Dave Ramsey I am a die-hard Dave Ramsey fan. I totally believe in his financial program. My family also enjoys listening to the Dave Ramsey radio show. If you haven't listened to it, you need to stop by for a visit. The guy is freaking hilarious! If you haven't read his books, DO IT! The first one you need to start with is The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness . If you have read that one but are wanting to try some of his other fabulous books, here you go. I have personally read them all and love each book. On that point, I got thinking this week of what does Dave say when it comes to groceries and the food budget? I decided to hit up Youtube and see what I can find. I found a video by Rachel Cruze, "Don't Let Food Eat Up Your Income", that touches on this topic. I was hoping in the thousands of Dave Ramsey videos to find one where he talks about the food budget b...